Poly® RealConnect
for Teams

Welcome to Poly RealConnect for Teams

PowerShell Commands

The PowerShell cmdlets used to configure the Cloud Video Interop service in Microsoft Teams are available in the Microsoft Teams PowerShell module.

Use the following steps to connect to the online PowerShell module, configure Poly as your Microsoft Teams Cloud Video Interop service provider, enable lobby bypass (if desired), and then enable either specific individual users or all users in the tenant.

Connect to Microsoft Teams PowerShell

(The PowerShell cmdlets used to configure the RealConnect Service for Microsoft Teams are included in the Microsoft Teams PowerShell module. If at least version 2.0.0 of the Microsoft Teams PowerShell module is not already installed on an available Windows computer then follow these instructions to install or update the module.)

Open Windows PowerShell and enter the following command to load the Microsoft Teams module and establish a connection to the desired Microsoft Teams tenant to access the required Cloud Video Interoperability cmdlets used on this page. When prompted to sign-in provide the credentials of an administrator account for that tenant.


Configure Video Interop Service Provider

Define Service Provider

The following command will create a new video interop service provider definition, selecting Polycom as the provider and configuring the Microsoft-assigned Tenant Key to be used with scheduled Teams meetings.

Enable Lobby Bypass (Optional)

By default all VTCs joining a Teams meeting through the video interoperability service will automatically be placed into the lobby. To change this behavior for all scheduled Teams meetings the following command can be used to allow VTCs to join meetings directly and bypass the lobby. (To additionally configure more granular control of which VTCs can or cannot bypass the lobby refer to the Trusted Endpoint Configuration documentation.)

Set-CsVideoInteropServiceProvider -Identity Polycom -AllowAppGuestJoinsAsAuthenticated $true

Apply Video Interop Policy

The service is enabled by granting an existing policy either globally or on a per-user basis. It is recommended to enable individual users initially when testing the service and then later use the global approach to enable the service for all users.

Enable Individual Users

Enter the following PowerShell command, replacing user@domain.onmicrosoft.com with the UserPrincipalName of the desired user account. Repeat this command for each individual account to be enabled.

Grant-CsTeamsVideoInteropServicePolicy -PolicyName PolycomServiceProviderEnabled -Identity 'user@domain.com'

Enable All Users

Alternatively the following command can be used to enable the service at the global level.

Grant-CsTeamsVideoInteropServicePolicy -PolicyName PolycomServiceProviderEnabled -Global

Verify Configuration (Optional)

The commands in this section do not need to be executed as they are simply provided as a way to verify that any of the previous configuration steps were in fact completed correctly.

The following command will output the currently configured interop provider and its individual parameters.


This command can be used to identify the current global policy setting. The ProviderName will likely either be the default value of "DefaultProvider" (meaning the service is not globally enabled for all users) or "Polycom" (meaning the service is enabled for all users).

Get-CsTeamsVideoInteropServicePolicy -Identity Global

Execute this command to list all users in the tenant which have manually been enabled for the service with Polycom as the defined provider.

Get-CsOnlineUser -Filter {TeamsVideoInteropServicePolicy -eq 'PolycomServiceProviderEnabled'} | Select-Object DisplayName, UserPrincipalName, TeamsVideoInteropServicePolicy

In the event that the service was enabled globally and it is instead preferred to only enable it for individual users then the following command can be used to revert the tenant's global policy to its default configuration.

Grant-CsTeamsVideoInteropServicePolicy -PolicyName ServiceProviderDisabled -Global

Disable Service

In the event that the RealConnect Service for Microsoft Teams is no longer needed the following steps can be used to revert the tenant to the original default configuration if desired.

Individually unassign the Polycom policy if it was manually granted to a user account

Grant-CsTeamsVideoInteropServicePolicy -PolicyName $null -Identity 'user@domain.com'

Programmatically unassign the Polycom policy from all users in the tenant which were specifically granted the policy

Get-CsOnlineUser -Filter {TeamsVideoInteropServicePolicy -eq 'PolycomServiceProviderEnabled'} | Grant-CsTeamsVideoInteropServicePolicy -PolicyName $null

Reset global Video Interop Service Policy to default configuration

Grant-CsTeamsVideoInteropServicePolicy -PolicyName ServiceProviderDisabled -Global

Delete the Video Interop Service Provider definition for Polycom

Remove-CsVideoInteropServiceProvider -Identity Polycom